
Hello blog, it’s been awhile.

Life happened these past few days.  It has been very challenging.  I had to work with a worried and sad heart. My little boy got sick!  The doctor’s first impression was Dengue, but then was later ruled out to Systemic Viral Infection.  I felt so helpless shooting last Sunday’s wedding while he was at the emergency room.  My rhythm was disrupted and I had to summon all the strength and all that I had to be present.  My shooter was late and I had to look for an extra.  My assistant failed to wake up.  I carried all the equipment up to the bridal suite all by myself.  I panicked!  I called friends for help.  One came to the rescue and another lady shooter (Sephy).  Waking up late is not an excuse!  But you know, when you have already spent your energy fixing a problem, getting mad is not an option.  I was still all smiles when my second shooter and assistant came right before noon.  They looked so fresh, while I looked like a wilted cabbage.

Life has a funny way of throwing me curve balls.  One said that it is a roller coaster ride.  It is indeed!  But when you fasten your seat belts, the ride could be pleasant if you have with you good intentions.  When one is not blinded by jealousy and greed.  Jealousy over trivial matters and towards people who does not have any intention to cause harm to a relationship.  Greed over proving oneself by sacrificing time for more important things and people other than making money.

Life has been hard! I have so much heartache that could last me a lifetime.  But I’ll take it one photo at a time.  I am surrounded by happiness and love when I shoot to remind me what I should have and aspire for.  Now, I truly understand, why I do what I do.  They say when the universe wants you to understand something, it will keep presenting itself until you get it.  I now get it!  I will work my way towards it.  I will not settle anymore.  I lost my myself before and I lost myself once again.  But the good thing about loosing oneself is knowing that you gave it your all.

Here are some photos of Kwim and Leslie.  They’ve been in a long distance relationship for three years.  They finally tied the know yesterday.  Will blog about it soon!


Kwim and Leslie | Family Park
HMU: Jessie Glova
Styling: Guada Calledo
