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It took her a while to warm up! She was so quiet!  We had to bring her to spot away from her mom and the rest of the people just so I could give her space to just be HERSELF.

Sometimes, we tend to be someone we are not in front of the camera (especially when we have an audience).  We play dress up and wear a character that isn’t a reflection of ourselves.  I’ve been wanting to capture people at their barest and truest self.  In the beginning, it’s was hard when we had location, props and clothes to consider.  As I went through the different phases of my journey as a photographer, I became aware of what I wanted to capture.  These are emotions, unguarded moments, the in betweens.. Sadness! Laughter! Joy! Whatever it is my subject is going though, I want all those.  I have learned that photographs does not need to be always bright.  Shadows and even when photographs are under exposed, it can be pretty too.  A mole here or a freckle does not make anyone less beautiful.  So does a bulge here and there!

And because of these, I find it hard to find a photographer to photograph me! Hahahahahaha.. It’s very ironic that I take pictures but I don’t have an updated decent photo of myself.  I find it crucial that I know the photographer’s style (we have different ways and I admire the different approach).  It has to be someone who will not make me want to ask about technicalities or angles or if the light is right.  The hardest to photograph, I think, are photographers.  Just the same as the most difficult patients are doctors.  Weird as it is, but I have to be honest that when it’s me in front of the camera, I could count the flaws I see in myself and the whole totality of a photograph.  I should learn how to loosen up and trust the process of the photographer just like how my clients trust me.

It’s Monday.  It’s drizzling outside.  These thoughts came after a yoga session.


A M B E R | Hair & Make-up:  Ramil Solis | Styling:  Guada Calledo

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